Monday, December 28, 2009

I Love these kind of stories

Ok. Me and 4 friends were hanging out and tripping shrooms one night and for some reason cigarettes seemed like a life force for us (we were tripping hard, I almost jumped onto a train car to escape; just ride it til it stopped and there I would start a new life). Well while we were in the Wallgreens I cant remember exactly what happened but this is what I do remember...I had to buy a pack for my buddy because he didnt have his ID and so I tell the lady what I want, but I'm starting to like freak out for some reason, I spit it out and shes like "your total is ____" and I give her the cash, and she hands me my change. At which point I start to walk away leaving the cigarettes on the counter and about 3 feet from the door she yells back to me and I turn around and just stare at her, tripping bawlz. I can see shes starting to get annoyed and paranoid and I'm still just standing there staring at her. I realize that I need the cigarettes because they are my life force so I run over to her and pick them off the counter and hastily open them and then lit one in the store, puffing heavily at it.She tells us all to leave immediately or shes calling the cops, so we bolt and ended up walking through the park all night, trippiing hard and pondering life.

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I started going to Fitness Competitions in 2006 and slowly became a hobby for me to take pictures of female bodybuilders and fitness models on and offstage