Sunday, June 20, 2010

Waffles and Tits

Originally uploaded by sabotai
The party will be in Bushwick following the Gay Pride Parade. If it wasn't for the $10 cover I'd seriously consider it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I cum so hard I begin hurtling through space toward a decommissioned space station. Slowly, I pull my knees to my chest and close my eyes as my bowels begin to expel hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful, symmetrical turds, brown as the day is long. I laugh like a young girl as my turds drift aimlessly behind me; they are as butterflies to a child frolicking in the fields of elysium.

I approach the station's docking port, flaccid cock in hand, and prepare to float gently into its inviting confines. I extend my cockless arm jubilantly, as to celebrate the majesty and depth of space, and thank jesus christ for this ultimate gift and blessing. But suddenly, my outstretched arm collides with the outer rim of the docking port, and the trajectory of my quaggy body is violently halted.

The fates afford me barely enough time to turn my head before the turds arrive. One thousand turds, each one seemingly larger than the last. I try in vain to cleanse my eyes of the shitsting, but succeed only in smearing my own fecal matter into a fine asspaste which slowly seeps into my eyes and nasal cavity. I inhale three hundred and twenty four Space Turds; my lungs are permeated completely with my own shit. I hang lax, spirit broken, defeated by poop. I will never be the same. I am forever a shit faggot.
>Actualy making drugs illegal does decrease those who use it.

Ok, lets see your reasoning...

>Some kids wont do it because they don't want to break the law and get cought, where as if it was legal they'd do it.

Because there aren't such things as age limits... oh wait!

>Some people aren't retarded and don't want to go to jail.
>Take control of people's freedoms to get them to do what we want.

You're either trolling or incredibly stupid.

Cake makes me happy. Must be drugs.

In favor of legalizing marijuana

They'd make WAY more money from NOT spending money on keeping people in jail, I heard it can cost tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands to keep a person in jail. And if they taxed marijuana instead of it being illegal, they'd make heaps of cash. It makes financial sense, it makes moral sense, it just makes fucking sense.What the fuck are you doing America, make this shit legal already!

Misery loves company

I'm living with my mother and failing my second attempt at UniversityI'm 27, fat, broke, friendless and my antidepressant medication makes me feel nauseous all the time

Who said a pusherman didn't have benefits?

fuck you, you fucking bitch. you said you would love me forever. we have one stupid fight, we break up and then you IMMEDIATELY start fucking my dealer? Wow. That's low. even for you. go play in traffic, you fucking douche canoe. I'm better without you anyways. It hurts, but you wouldn't know about that sort of thing since you have no soul or heart. Nevertheless, I hope you find your "prince charming" and you have a happy life. I just want you to be happy.

What I want to tell my therapist (also copypasta from /b/)

A year ago I was pure nerd and nihilist. The only person I cared was me but then I met you. Immediately I found you very nice girl, but seriously got interested in you about half a year ago. You are the first girl in my life I really love. You are perfect I love the way you wear, move, smile, laugh, panic, cry and look. No one except my parents had such influence on me. You make me a better man even though you are not aware of it. I changed my life for the better becouse of you.

Copypasta from /b/

im very attracted to your body but your personality lacks at times im not that interested in your day-camp work because i cant stand children the fact that your friends and family are french annoys and disgusts me even tho you r bilingual im happy hanging out with you until u start talking about things that dont matter to me ... if an opportunity to cheat on u came up i might be inclined to take it. I dont understand why im so fucked up that even tho i like and really care about and my family likes u for some reason i dont think ill ever love u. we havent had good sex in like 3 weeks and im getting annoyed. It might be a better idea if we just break up for the summer and then maybe see where were at for when school starts again.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Black Man's Kryptonite

I think it was Malcolm X who said it best, "...because so many of our sisters have been raped and violated by the white man, the black man couldn't wait to get their hands on the white's man prize: the white woman."


About Me

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I started going to Fitness Competitions in 2006 and slowly became a hobby for me to take pictures of female bodybuilders and fitness models on and offstage