Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I want to kill every single bitch that ever rejected me...I want to cause them as much pain as they caused me

...eighteen? Seriously? The solution is simple - WAIT. High school girls are absolute fucking cunts. You'll probably find girls you actually like in a few years, who won't mindfuck you or reject you or expect you to cater to their every whim. Not every girl is a skank, gold-digger, vapid slut, or judgmental and arrogant whore. But about 99% of girls under 18 are gonna act that way.

Around 22-29 you'll probably be able to find women who will treat you like an EQUAL and who will actually be FUN to be around. They exist. I promise from first-hand experience. All you have to do is be patient.
The girls who rejected you only did so because they knew you were gay, even if you never realized it yet.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sometimes it feel like the inability to support myself makes me less of a human being

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cage is an amazing actor when he is not doing shit movies to pay off his gambling debts.

Drug post on /b/

Triple Cs(First drug, meh)
Alcohol(what just happened?)
Weed(my dad gives it to me everyday)
MDMA(not enough to get high)
Coke(waste of money)
Heroin(waste of time)

Courage Wolf

Monday, May 10, 2010


Hydrocodone is a pain medication. It is not meant to get you high. I am wondering if you are just looking to get high is the reason you ask this. If you were taking the medication the way it is suppose to be taken, to help with pain, then why would you be concerned about the effects of getting "high" on it? One thing is for sure! It is a highly ADDICTIVE drug and I can tell you from experience that you DO NOT want to get hooked on those pills!! You will live a life of addiction and misery if you do. When you don't have them you will be so sick that you will wish you would just die. Don't take these pills to get high. It doesn't take much of them at all to get addicted and with your concern of getting "high" it sounds as if you would become addicted very quickly! They are meant to be taken as prescribed and that's it. When that is done..then that should mean you should be done with the medication. BE CAREFUL! Your messing with something you may not be able to handle!

Reply to a post I made on be-mag

heres some real shit..

So i was with my x-girlfriend for three years. one night she decided to lie to me and say she was staying home cause she had to work early the next day. I woke up and called her work to see if she really was there and it turned out she wasnt even supposed to work that day. I called her 10 times til she answered, told her to fuck off. A couple weeks go by and she comes running back saying she loves me and she didnt know what she was thinking, blah blah blah. I told her we could try to make it work if she told me everything. She tells me she started seeing this tall, skinny, nerdy looking cocaine dealer and she knew she had a problem with cocaine (after only 3 weeks) and asked if i could be there for her while she tried to recover. I took her to rehab, paid about $600 worth of bills for her for the past month because her and that faggot were staying at hotels getting shit faced on cocaine then bangin it out for weekends at a time (she didnt tell me that, i found out on my own). All she did was sleep, she would sleep for days on end and i would just chill and wait to see if there was anything she needed. 2 weeks go by and everything seemed ok until one day she came out of my bathroom with white shit under her nose. I didnt say shit, so then we were driving to go eat and she says "I havent done that shit for 2 weeks now and i feel great" im like "Theres still coke under your nose from snorting it in my fucking bathroom you lying, bitch". I still stayed with her tried to help her but she just couldnt quit, nothing worked. One day she comes to my work and says she has to run to the city to grab some of her sisters stuff at her apartment. It sounded shady as hell because she kept saying ill call you every hour, blah blah blah. I dont hear from her til around 10 o clock and i can tell she isnt home but she says she's home and tired and going to bed. I call her back 5 times till she answers and i can hear shes driving somewhere but she continues to lie and say shes home. The next day she says I cant trust her and if I cant then this isnt going to work. Im like "fuck that shit, youre a fucking coke whore and i want nothing to do with you faggot!"
Its been about a month since I last talked to her but my friend saw her at a party with the coke peddling faggot and said she must have lost 20 pounds (she was only like 115 to begin with). My friend said she looked haggard and like a fucking wreck and the dude was a faggot and I should come out and kick his ass. I was in Orlando with some other girl at the time so there was no way i could do that.

I fucked 3 different chicks in the last month and all but one were hotter then my x. shes still a coke whore and just recently tried to do the same shit and get me back again but this time it aint happening.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

copypasta from /b/

So /b/ check this out

I was chillin in my room minding my own business. You know, Watching poker on one TV and playing some DoTA. This was like, 10 minutes ago. So my roommates not home, and out of nowhere I get the urge to spank it. So I'm like "Fuck, what am I in the mood for?". Heres where it gets sad.... I get the random thought "That lady gaga chick is decent looking in some of her videos, and shes like basically talking about suckin dicks in all of em". Now dont get me wrong, i fuckin hate this bitches music. So I choose the song Bad Romance on YouTube since she doesnt look like some fucking alien in that one. I start to spank it when I hear my roommate come home and head for more door. Only time to either close the browser, or zip. I choose zip of course. He comes in and says these exact words, no lie at all. "SUP BITCH--- Aww dude are you listening to lady gaga? God DAMN thats gay, I would've had more respect for you if you were spanking it like a man. Fucking queer". Don't make the same mistake /b/

tl:dr listening to lady gaga is worse then getting caught masturbating.


About Me

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I started going to Fitness Competitions in 2006 and slowly became a hobby for me to take pictures of female bodybuilders and fitness models on and offstage